Sunday, May 19, 2013

Slow Stitching Sunday.......

I have had a lot of fun this week blog hopping on Celebrate Hand Quilting.  So many beautiful quilts, wonderful ideas and useful tips.  Sundays have always been my slow down, quiet days and when I came across Kathy's Quilts Slow Stitching Sunday's I wanted to participate.  I like having a lot of projects going so that I can work on each a little here and little there.  Today, it's cloudy, cool and rain in the forecast so I decided to work on my HocusPocusville quilt blocks.

So wonder on over to Kathy's Quilts and check out the Slow Sunday Stitching!


  1. I love these fun!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  2. Rose, glad you could join us! I love your black work embroidery!
