Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another Fall Project

We have had a taste of nice spring weather, but now we're back to cool and rainy. So I've been working on paper pieced hexagons done in fall colors, while watching it turn green outside.  These are all from scraps--don't know how I ended up with so many of these colors, but fall is my favorite time of year, so I guess that's what I'm drawn to. I love earthy tones.

I have 53 flowers completed and 62 more flowers to sew together.
I'm hoping to have enough to make 2 small quilts.  I haven't quite decided how I want to put them together.  I thought about using a tea-stained tone on tone to scatter between the flowers. Then I would quilt them using perle cotton in fall colors.
Once all my flowers are done it will be fun to start laying them out to see what I can come up with.
This is my little plastic snap-tote that I found to keep my hexagons in.  I really like it because I can keep a supply of blocks, paper pieces, my little pincushion for a couple pins and needles, scissors and thread so I can work on my flowers wherever I go.


  1. Very nice blog, and I love the fabric colors in your hexagons. It will be fun to see how you put them all together.

  2. Very pretty! Looking forward to your update on your progress.

  3. Very nice. I have been looking for a quilting blog. I'm working on a hexagon quilt too.

  4. I started a hexi quilt a month or so back. Love setting in the evenings doing a little work on it.

  5. Well done, not only your quilting but your blog. I have just added you to my favorite to see how your flower (hexi) garden grows. :)

  6. Hi Rose, I'm popping over from Patrice's blog, welcome to blogland!! I look forward to getting to know you better. You're so organized with your hexagons - love the colors!!

  7. Hello Rose. I came over from Patrice's blog and have been enjoying your quilting. I used to quilt, back in the day when my hands would let me. I really like the fall colors too, and your quilt will be awesome when finished. I will check back and admire your progress.
