Sunday, May 12, 2013

Celebrate Hand Quilting Blog Hop Tomorrow

I love hand quilting and tomorrow Celebrate Hand Quilting Blog Hop starts--excited to do some hopping!

I  myself haven't been getting much quilting time in.  We had a burst of unseasonably warm weather, so took advantage of it to get some yard work done.  But I have made some progress on my purple cat quilt.  I only have 6 more cats to quilt before I get started on the borders.
This is the major project I've been working on in the yard.  It was a sloped area of the yard that I decided to do into two tiers. It looks a mess right now, but I have visions of it turning into something nice and also (hopefully) easy to maintain.  It's taking me a lot longer than I anticipated, finding that my 60-year-old body can't do as much as it used to.  Hope to get two 4x4 garden boxes built soon so I can at least get something planted on the lower tier this year.   
The dogs aren't much help!
 This bottom tier is about 7'x12'


  1. What a fun quilt with the cats! I love it. Bloghopping todat and bookmarking blogs

  2. Adorable quilt!! You inspire me. To garden, too!

  3. Your cat quilt is so cute! I love the mix of embroidery and hand quilting, and your stitches are beautiful. We are the same age, and I need to get my garden planted, too.

  4. I love to garden too! Yes the years do catch up with us, but I have learned to work for shorter periods of time and take more time sitting and enjoying it! Love how you are quilting your cat quilt, beautiful stitches!

  5. I just love your blue kitties quilt! Sooo cute! I am making a baby quilt and want to hand quilt it; what do you think about how it would hold up vs. machine quilting? Julierose

  6. Oh my goodness...what adorable kittens! How lovely and FUN! Great quilt. Averyclaire from Illinois, USA

  7. Love your quilt in progress... the cats are adorable and love the layout you chose! Very cute... love your garden plot too! Thanks for sharing :) Kathi

  8. Your quilt looks beautiful and the cats are very cute!

    Rosa from Spain

  9. Love the purple cats. I have also been enjoying the weather instead of quilting, but can't figure out where Spring went since Boise jumped immediately to mid summer weather!

  10. had to laugh at the 60 year old body comment - me to! - I don't move near as well as I used to.
    Glad to see another hand quilter out here :)

  11. Enjoyed my visit with you - love the kitty leaning up against the wall design - great to see your hand quilting! So understand your 60 year old feeling - wait until you get closer to 70 - but we must Keep Calm and Garden On!!

  12. Your cat quilt is adorable and I do like how you are quilting the cat blocks. Very unique!

  13. Love the kitty quit and nice hand quilting!!

  14. Like those cats. I am new to your blog, and will come back again.
    Ann-Mari from Norway

  15. Quilting and gardening. Such a good combination.:)

  16. I love your purple cats. They're so cute and whimsical. Your garden looks like a lot of work! But think of the wonderful exercise.

  17. Your purple cats are wonderful!! And those dogs are doing a great job 'protecting' you and supervising!!!

  18. I love your quilt, great job

  19. Love the purple cats quilt. Each cat has so much personality and your color choice and stitching really brings that out. This is my first visit to your blog and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll be back!

  20. Those cats are just such fun! I love gardening too and you have to do it when the time comes.
    The quilting will lurk for a rainy day.

  21. just bloghopping, you must make advantage of the time you can, you can always quilt at night. love the quilt, very cute, Wendy from Victoria Australia

  22. Fun quilt! Those are lucky cats to have have such pretty hand quilting all around. Your garden will be worht the effort.
    Thank you for sharing!

  23. Love your cat quilt. It's one (the embroidery) that I've wanted to do. I have the book but my difficulty is each cat takes a different % to enlarge it to the correct size.
    Would you be so kind as to tell me what you did to get your cats to the size you wanted?

  24. Hi Rose. I enjoyed reading about your embroidered cats quilt, and like the choices you've made regarding the quilting. The little geometric shapes in the background are quirky and fun, just like the puddies

  25. I am just hopping by but want to tell you that I like your kittie quilt,,very nice. Sure hope you can get some help with your garden project, looks like a lot of work..

  26. Enjoying the blog hop and just wanted to say how much I like your kitty quilt.

  27. What a fun quilt! I can NOT get through a quilt top that has embroidery on it. I don't know why I struggle with even picking it up.... It's mental, I know. Have fun in the garden! Looks like a great spot to mix veggies and flowers!

  28. Hi Rose, just popped in on the hand quilting blog hop. A fellow Idahoan here! Isn't it a beautiful state?

  29. Love the purple cat quilt! Such a great variety of purples, and such fun stitchery patterns! Enjoy your hand quilting!

  30. That purple cat quilt is so cute! Love all the little surprises in your stitching. Gardening always seems to take much longer than we think it should. It is looking good so far - just like quilts a little bit here and there gets the job done.
