Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Flower Wednesday

I finished two hexi flowers today!  If you would like to see more flowers created by other quilters you can hop over to Karen's blog.

Yesterday I posted pictures of my Hocuspocusville quilt blocks.  I should have also put in a picture of the pattern.  The pattern is by Crabapple Hill. 

Sorry, another not very good picture--on these cloudy days I have really bad lighting in my little cabin.


  1. You know, I thought those blocks looked familar, but now that I see your pic I know why. I get Crabbapple Hill's e-newsletter and I had saw them there. I love their patterns and I have several.
    Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

    1. I love their patterns too. I try to buy a new one every year at the quilt show.

  2. Which quilt show is that? The Washington State Quilters in Spokane? I haven't been to it in a couple of years, I hated trying to find parking in downtown Spokane, but I hear since they've moved it to the fair grounds it's quite nice. I have been out to the Buggy Barn show the last couple of years, that's always nice, hot, but nice ; )

    1. The one in Spokane. I didn't go to it when it was downtown--I just don't do downtown Spokane anymore!

  3. Nice hexie flowers. You quilt is gorgeous. Where do you live that you have a little cabin?

    1. I live in northern Idaho. About three of years ago my husband and I moved out of our two-story four-bedroom house into a little log cabin we have on our back lot. Lots of downsizing, which has been so nice. Only 320 square feet to take care of! Pretty simple and rustic. My daughter and grandkids live in the big house now.

  4. Rose, two flowers in one week is great going, especially with the work you've been doing on Hocuspocusville.... fantastic!

  5. Some excellent blooms Rose! So, you are working on Hocuspocusville, me too, slowly but surely and lots of fun!
